.. meta:: :title: The Codership Library about Galera Cluster :description: :language: en-US :keywords: :copyright: Codership Oy, 2014 - 2024. All Rights Reserved. .. container:: left-margin .. container:: left-margin-top :doc:`The Library <./index>` .. container:: left-margin-content - :doc:`Documentation <./documentation/index>` - :doc:`Knowledge Base <./kb/index>` - :doc:`Training <./training/index>` .. cssclass:: sub-links - :doc:`Training Courses <./training/courses/index>` - :doc:`Tutorial Articles <./training/tutorials/index>` - :doc:`Training Videos <./training/videos/index>` - :doc:`FAQ <./faq>` - :ref:`search` Related Documents - :doc:`Administration Manual <./documentation/administration>` - :doc:`Getting Started Guide <./training/tutorials/getting-started>` - :doc:`Reference Manual <./documentation/reference>` .. container:: top-links - `Home `_ - :doc:`Docs <./documentation/index>` - :doc:`KB <./kb/index>` .. cssclass:: nav-wider - :doc:`Training <./training/index>` - :doc:`FAQ <./faq>` .. cssclass:: library-index .. _`the-library`: ============================= The Codership Library ============================= This library contains a variety of information about Codership's Galera Cluster |---| a synchronous multi-master database cluster, based on synchronous replication and MySQL and InnoDB. Here you will find many resources to help you with installing and configuring Galera, as well as learning about it. .. rst-class:: section-heading list-sub-header .. rubric:: :doc:`Documentation <./documentation/index>` This section is the documentation for Galera Cluster. This is straightforward documentation, not tutorials or advice articles. See below for those. The documentation includes hundreds of pages of information on configuring every aspect of Galera (i.e., :doc:`Reference Manual <./documentation/reference>`), as well as information on administering a cluster (i.e., :doc:`Administration Manual <./documentation/administration>`). .. rst-class:: section-heading list-sub-header .. rubric:: :doc:`Knowledge Base <./kb/index>` Occasionally, you may have problems getting a cluster to work the way you want. Maybe you'll have a node that just won't join the cluster. Or a node or the cluster crashes. The Knowledge Base provides Troubleshooting articles explaining how to resolve common problems. It also contains Best Practices articles for improving performance, ensuring against crashes, and other methods for getting the most out of Galera. .. rst-class:: section-heading list-sub-header .. rubric:: :doc:`Frequently Asked Questions ` This section is the FAQ for Galera Cluster. It lists a number of frequently asked questions on Galera and other related matters. They're not for solving problems. Instead, they're mostly questions that you might have before deciding to use Galera software, as well as how to get assistance and learn about Galera. .. rst-class:: section-heading list-sub-header .. rubric:: :doc:`Training <./training/index>` This is our training section. In addition to articles using Galera for specific uses, it contains: - :doc:`Training Courses <./training/courses/index>` - :doc:`Tutorial Articles <./training/tutorials/index>` - :doc:`Training Videos <./training/videos/index>` - :doc:`Getting Started Guide <./training/tutorials/getting-started>` .. rst-class:: section-heading list-sub-header .. rubric:: Additional Resources Below is a link to the general index of all of the pages of the documentation and related documents. There's also a link to the Search Page for searching all of the documentation. - :ref:`genindex` - :ref:`search` .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :hidden: documentation/index kb/index faq training/index whats-new editors/index .. |---| unicode:: U+2014 .. EM DASH :trim: