Codership Training

Codership is pleased to offer a comprehensive training program related to Codership products, as well as key related software. These products includes training courses on Galera Cluster, Galera Arbirator, and Galera Load Balancer. Key related software includes MySQL and MariaDB database systems and tools commonly used by DBA (e.g., mysqldump). Topics include installing, configuring, monitoring, and administering all of this software, in particular as it relates to Galera Cluster.

In this Training section, you’ll find information on upcoming training courses that are conducted by the staff at Codership, with some taught by the original developers of Galera Cluster. For those who prefer a self-paced training, we have a set of training videos to help you learn about Galera Cluster and related software. For those who learn best from reading, we also have many tutorial articles on the same topics.

Using video communcation conferencing systems such Zoom, Codership is able to offer live virtual classes. From your office, home, or virtually anywhere, you may attend courses conducted by the Codership staff. Each month we will offer courses on Galera Cluster and related software.

Database Administration with Galera Cluster

Length: 3 days, 4 hours per day

If you’re a new database administrator and been made recently responsible for maintaining your organization’s databases, this course will teach you about basic and core DBA tasks.

Codership Training Courses

Some people prefer to read, while others prefer screencast videos. We have several in this format on Galera Cluster and related software; we’re adding new ones every month. They’re professionally made presentations, with an experieced instructor voice-over. Some parts are easy to follow slides, and for some parts there are demonstrations of how to configure and use the software. They’re grouped into these three main categories:

Introduction & Installation

5 videos; length: 2 hrs, 52 mins; avg: 34 mins

Never used Galera Cluster—maybe even new MySQL and MariaDB database administration? These training videos will help you to get started installing and configuring Galera Cluster and related software.

Administration & Resolution

2 video; 1 hr, 52 mins; avg: 56 mins (more soon)

Have some experience in Galera Cluster and you’re ready to understand it better? Here you’ll be able to learn how to perform essential administrative tasks, as well as how to resolve problems that occur—including how to recover from a total cluster crash.

Performance & High Availability

1 video; length: 60 mins; avg: 60 mins

Galera Cluster can provide enhanced performance and ensure high availability of your databases. These videos will help you to be able to get more out of Galera.

Codership Training Videos Collage

There’s so much to learn about Galera Cluster and related software. In this section you’ll find several tutorial articles. Some are on how to get started with Galera and other basic tasks related to starting a Galera Cluster. There are also intermediate and more advanced articles, for those who are more experienced in Galera. We’re adding new articles every month.

Introduction & Installation

8 articles; avg: 1152 words

These articles are for newcommers. They’re about how Galera Cluster works, and how to install and configure Galera.


7 articles; avg: 1585 words

If you’re a database administrator and responsible for maintaining your organization’s databases, these articles will help you with basic and core DBA tasks.

Restarting & Recovery

2 articles; avg: 768 words

When a cluster goes down, fails, or crashes, there’s a certain order for restarting and restoring nodes and a cluster. These tutorial articles can help.

Performance & High Availability

3 articles; avg: 909 words

Want to get more out of your cluster? We have articles related to improving performance. Need more stability? We have articles on high availability.

Codership Tutorial Articles Collage