MariaDB Options

These are MariaDB Server and Enterprise options. If you click a particular variable in this table, your web browser will scroll down to the entry for it with more details and a description.

MariaDB Server Options


Default Value


wsrep_allowlist None Yes No 10.10  
wsrep_gtid_domain_id 0 Yes Yes 10.1.4  
wsrep_gtid_mode OFF Yes Yes 10.1.4  
wsrep_gtid_seq_no   No Yes 10.5.1  
wsrep-mysql-replication-bundle 0 Yes No 10.2.0  
wsrep_patch_version   Yes No 10.1.5  


This system variable allows you to add comma-delimited IP addresses to an allow list for Galera Cluster node addresses that can make SST/IST requests.

Command-line Format --wsrep_allowlist=#
System Variable wsrep_allowlist
Variable Scope Global
Dynamic Variable No
Data Type String
Default Value None
MariaDB Version Version 10.10


This system variable defines the GTID domain ID that is used for wsrep GTID mode.

  • When wsrep_gtid_mode is set to ON, wsrep_gtid_domain_id is used in place of gtid_domain_id for all Galera Cluster write sets.
  • When wsrep_gtid_mode is set to OFF, wsrep_gtid_domain_id is simply ignored to allow for backward compatibility.
  • There are some additional requirements that need to be met in order for this mode to generate consistent GTIDs. For more information, see Using MariaDB GTIDs with MariaDB Galera Cluster.

Command-line Format --wsrep-gtid-domain-id=#
System Variable wsrep_gtid_domain_id
Variable Scope Global
Dynamic Variable Yes
Data Type Numeric
Default Value 0
Range 0 to 4294967295
MariaDB Version Version 10.1.4


Wsrep GTID mode attempts to keep GTIDs consistent for Galera Cluster write sets on all cluster nodes. GTID state is initially copied to a joiner node during an SST. If you are planning to use Galera Cluster with MariaDB replication, then wsrep GTID mode can be helpful.

Command-line Format --wsrep-gtid-mode[={0|1}]
System Variable wsrep_gtid_mode
Variable Scope Global
Dynamic Variable Yes
Data Type Boolean
Default Value OFF
MariaDB Version Version 10.1.4


Internal server usage, manually set WSREP GTID seqno.

Command-line Format None
System Variable Internal server usage, manually set WSREP GTID seqno.
Variable Scope Session only
Dynamic Variable Yes
Data Type Numeric
Range 0 to 18446744073709551615
MariaDB Version Version 10.5.1


Defines the number of replication events that are grouped together. This is an experimental implementation aimed to assist with bottlenecks when a single replica faces a large commit time delay. If set to 0 (the default), there is no grouping.

Command-line Format --wsrep-mysql-replication-bundle=#
System Variable wsrep-mysql-replication-bundle
Variable Scope Global
Dynamic Variable No
Data Type Numeric
Default Value 0
Range 0 to 1000
MariaDB Version Version 10.2.0


Wsrep patch version, for example wsrep_25.10.

Command-line Format None
System Variable wsrep_patch_version
Variable Scope Global
Dynamic Variable No
Data Type String
Default Value None
MariaDB Version Version 10.1.5

MariaDB Enterprise Options


Default Value


wsrep-OSU-method TOI Global and Session Yes 10.5  
wsrep_strict_ddl OFF Yes Yes 10.5 10.6.0


This parameter defines the mode for Online Schema Upgrade that the node uses to replicate DDL statements.

DDL statements are non-transactional and as such do not replicate through write-sets. There are three methods available that determine how the node handles replicating these statements:

  • TOI In the Total Order Isolation method, the cluster runs the DDL statement on all nodes in the same total order sequence, blocking other transactions from committing while the DDL is in progress.
  • RSU In the Rolling Schema Upgrade method, the node runs the DDL statements locally, thus blocking only the one node where the statement was made. While processing the DDL statement, the node is not replicating and may be unable to process replication events due to a table lock. Once the DDL operation is complete, the node catches up and syncs with the cluster to become fully operational again. The DDL statement or its effects are not replicated; the user is responsible for manually executing this statement on each node in the cluster.
  • NBO When the Non Blocking Option is used, DDL statements are processed in three phases:
    1. MDL lock requests for the operation are replicated first
    2. DDL statements are executed, with MDL protection
    3. Finally, the MDL lock release requests are replicated

For more information on DDL statements and OSU methods, see Schema Upgrades.

Command-line Format --wsrep-OSU-method
System Variable wsrep-osu-method
Variable Scope Global and Session
Dynamic Variable Yes
Permitted Values (TOI | RSU | NBO)
Default Value TOI
MariaDB Version Version 10.5
MariaDB Enterprise Server (for NBO) Version 10.5

You can execute the following SHOW VARIABLES statement to see how its set:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'Parameters; wsrep-OSU-method';

 | Variable_name                  | Value |
 | Parameters; wsrep-OSU-method   | TOI   |



This feature has been deprecated in MariaDB 10.6.0 and removed in MariaDB 10.7. Use wsrep_mode=STRICT_REPLICATION instead. See wsrep_mode.

If set, rejects DDL on affected tables not supporting Galera replication.

Command-line Format --wsrep_strict_ddl
System Variable wsrep_strict_ddl
Variable Scope Global
Dynamic Variable Yes
Permitted Values Boolean (OFF, ON)
Default Value OFF
MariaDB Version Version 10.5

You can execute the following SHOW VARIABLES statement to see how its set:

SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'Parameters; wsrep_strict_ddl';

 | Variable_name                | Value |
 | Parameters; wsrep_strict_ddl | OFF   |