Codership is pleased to announce a new release of
Galera Manager. This brings the installer to version 1.6 (you can check this by typing:
./gm-installer version which will report
gm-installer version 1.6.0 (linux/amd64)) and the actual Galera Manager GUI to 1.5.0. Users will notice many usability improvements, and multiple fixes for issues filed at the
galera-manager-support issue tracker.

A few points to note include the fact that there is no longer CentOS 8 support (but you do have Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 support), and there is exposed MariaDB Server 10.6 support, and there is also Debian 11 support. It is worth noting that MySQL 5.7 does not function on Ubuntu 20.04 and CentOS 7 only supports MariaDB Server 10.3, MariaDB Server 10.4, and MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8 (leaving behind MariaDB Server 10.5 and MariaDB Server 10.6).
A good usability improvement is that if the Escape key is hit, dialogs are no longer exited automatically, with the user being prompted to consider editing or exiting. This also applies when you’re exiting cluster node creation and deployment dialogs.

From a cluster management standpoint, you can now recover a cluster that is left in an inconsistent state. How might you have a cluster left in an inconsistent state, you might ask? If there are two JOINER nodes and only one DONOR node, this can create a race condition, as a DONOR can only be a DONOR to one node at a given time. In some instances, you might want to add three more nodes, in another data center, which may cause issues, and such recovery via Galera Manager means all you need to do is point and click, not muck around the logs and command line. For self-managed hosts, you can also optionally automatically start nodes that are deployed.
Internally, there have been changes to bring documentation and release notes to within Galera Manager, but we have not exposed this to the end user, just yet. A few notes from the “hidden” feature:
1.4.3-dev changelog
- misc: remove Centos 8 from list of supported systems
- fix: cluster start/recover support for MySQL
- fix: access check dialog can now be closed after checking access for self-managed hosts
- feature: added “Start node automatically” when deploying on user-provided host
- feature: implement recover action on fully stopped cluster
- feature: add support for influxdb tunnel. It automatically starts SSH tunnel for all the existing hosts when INFLUXDB_URL var points to (but not to localhost).
- fix: excessive invalid password message on login
- fix: charts with no data can now be removed
- feature: improved dashboard UX
- feature: changelog introduced
Please download
Galera Manager and we look forward to your