Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE) with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8

Have you wanted to try Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE)? Have you received your repository information and wonder how to get started when you’re using Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8? This is the guide to help you.

Once you have a RHEL 8 node ready, check to make sure all is well:

cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.7 (Ootpa)

Let’s quickly add a Galera repository.

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/galera.repo

The contents should be:

name = Galera
baseurl =
gpgkey =
gpgcheck = 1

name = MySQL-wsrep
baseurl =
gpgkey =
gpgcheck = 1

Remember to replace YOUR-KEY with the key you have received from your sales representative.

Then you must disable your standard modules:

dnf -y module disable mysql mariadb

We have shipped a metapackage, to help with the install, so all you have to do is execute:

 dnf install galeracluster-enterprise-8.0

Now, you can start mysqld:

systemctl start mysqld

Do not forget to find the temporary password:

grep "temporary password" /var/log/mysqld.log 

Then, go ahead and change it, configure your my.cnf, and you have a Galera Cluster up and running in no time. Remember we cover this in the binary installation documentation too.

Try Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE), which also has builds for ARM64, not just x86_64, and ARM64 servers are getting a lot more popular!