“Galera Cluster has supported our growth all the way from a small number of transactions to high volume traffic. Since 2012 our payment service with Galera has processed over 4 billion euros worth of product and service sales. Today we help 10 000+ webshops and online services in several countries to provide a pleasant shopping experience to their customers”
“We’re very happy how Galera Cluster facilitated automated failover eliminating downtime for THINQ services that programmatically route millions of phone calls. The comprehensive Codership documentation includes, for example, the AppArmor package settings necessary to make Galera Cluster nodes more secure. ”
North Carolina based, THINQ is a cloud-based software company that develops Business as a Service (BaaS) solutions for the telecommunications industry. Partners with top carriers like AT&T, Verizon, Comcast in providing wholesale rates for long distance or wireless calls.