We ́re here to secure your invaluable data. All of it.
We do this by providing high availability, no-data-loss and scalable data replication and clustering solutions for open source databases.
Our flagship product is Galera ClusterTM for MySQL, a True Multimaster Cluster based on synchronous replication. Galera Cluster is an easy-to-use, high-availability solution which provides high system uptime, no data loss and scalability for future growth.
We are ahead
We know the latest developments and technologies in the business – even before they hit the market. This keeps us ahead and gives us our competitive edge.
We are solution-based
Our long experience in the business has given us a unique insight into what can and cannot be done. Instead of accepting the known pitfalls and shortcomings, we work on solutions. Solutions that solve problems, as opposed to finding detours around them.
We hear and listen
We listen to what our customers say about us, and adopt the feedback into the very core of what we do. We also follow closely our competitors. We find this to be an excellent way for constantly trying to outsmart them.
We are open
We are committed to open source distribution. In exchange, we are and will strive to remain, at the very core of the community we have created. We believe this is beneficial to our customers, the community and ourselves.
We believe that information is made up of data
– raw, random and disorganized facts. Only when data is processed, organized and structured into a given context, can it be interpreted and presented as information. The ability to process and analyze data into information, and to make decisions based on that information, sets us humans apart from all other lifeforms.
We believe that data is invaluable
It gives us the raw facts for information about people – people as citizens, people as business makers and people as the government.
In short, data provides the very foundation of the information society.
We believe that the world runs on information
Regardless of location, organization and culture, all sectors of life are based on information. Be it in our businesses, our governments, our lives as consumers – or in our basic existence as humans, information is key. Without information life, as we know it, would not exist.
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The Galera Cluster story
Having worked for years with databases and with data clustering environments, we all knew each other. Every now and then we would meet and talk – about the technology, about our work, about the shortcomings and pitfalls of the existing solutions out there. During our talks, one thing became apparent: we had a lot in common. We all shared a need to produce something better, something that ”just works”. In May 2007, we released Galera Cluster for MySQL, our new, fast and scalable data replication and clustering solution for open source databases.
Seppo Jaakola, founder
Seppo Jaakola has over 20 years experience in software engineering. He started his professional career in Digisoft and Novo Group Oy working as a software engineer in various technical projects. He then worked for 10 years in Stonesoft Oy as a Project Manager in projects dealing with DBMS development, data security and firewall clustering. In 2003, Seppo Jaakola joined Continuent Oy, where he worked as team leader for MySQL clustering product. This position linked together his earlier experience in DBMS research and distributed computing. Now he’s applying his years of experience and administrative skills to steer Codership to a right course. Seppo Jaakola has MSc degree in Software Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology.
Alexey Yurchenko, founder
Alex started his professional software development career in 2003 at Continuent (then Emic Networks) where he was hooked up on synchronous replication. After that he joined R&D team at Meshcom, Inc learning the ways of mesh networking, embedded SW development and Scrum process management. There he got this crazy idea that running a software company can be fun.
Teemu Ollakka, founder
Teemu started his journey with synchronous replication at Continuent Oy (formerly known as Emic Networks Oy) and was one of the main forces behind Continuent’s m/cluster technology. After Continuent years he worked for some time at Ixonos Oyj before founding Codership. Early on his career he has worked also at VTT Technical Research Center of Finland and University of Oulu, where he achieved Masters Degree in Theoretical Physics.