9 Dec 2016 To SST or Not To SST? Introduction If a node leaves the cluster and subsequently rejoins, Galera will internally make sure that the node is brought up to speed with the rest of the cluster. It is important for DBAs that this process completes quickly, so ideally SST is avoided altogether and IST is used. However, when looking at the log, […] Read more...
5 Dec 2016 Taking Full Advantage of Galera Multi-Master Webinar – Dec 13th Description This webinar will be the second in our series on best practices to follow when using Galera Cluster. In this part, we will discuss important topics related to multi-master setups: * Practical considerations when using Galera in a multi-master setup * Evaluating the characteristics of your database workload * Preparing your application for […] Read more...
23 Nov 2016 Faster Cluster Restarts in 3.19 with Gcache Recovery Galera 3.19 comes with improvements to better handle the situation where the entire cluster needs to be restarted. In previous blog post, we already discussed one such feature: Safe-to-Bootstrap. In this post, we will discuss gcache recovery, which allows for the cluster to be restarted quickly after it was shut down, thus reducing the overall […] Read more...
18 Nov 2016 Introducing the “Safe-To-Bootstrap” feature in Galera Cluster Galera Clusters are generally meant to run non-stop, so shutting down the entire cluster is not required during normal operation. Yet, if there is a need to perform such a procedure, it is likely that it will be happening under pressure, so it is important for it to complete safely and as quickly as possible […] Read more...
9 Nov 2016 Announcing Galera Cluster 5.5.53 and 5.6.34 with Galera 3.19 with improvements to cluster restart Codership is pleased to announce a new release of Galera Cluster for MySQL consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.6.34 and Galera 3.19, wsrep API version 25. This release includes enhancements to make cluster restarts faster and safer, which we will be blogging about over the coming days. It also incorporates all changes up to MySQL 5.6.34, including […] Read more...
5 Oct 2016 Meet Codership at MariaDB Developers Meet Up 6-8.10 Amsterdam and OpenStack Summit Barcelona 24-27.10 Come and meet Codership’s Galera Cluster experts at OpenStack Summit Barcelona 24-27.10. Learn more about our plans and latest Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7 release. Our booth is A 18. If you want to set up a meeting with us, please email to info@galeracluster.com . Codership’s CEO Seppo Jaakola will give Galera Cluster for […] Read more...