Monitoring a Galera Cluster

This training video explains how to monitor a Galera Cluster, utilizing the Galera specific status variables, as well as employing scripts for logging status information.

As part of the training process, in the right margin here, you can find a link to a page containing exercises related to the training video. You should look at it before starting the video so that you can be prepared. There is also a link to a PDF copy of the slide presentation. It has been set so that you make notes on it. In the left margin are links to related documentation, articles, and other materials.


Video Specifications

  • Speaker: Russell J.T. Dyer
  • Date: September 15, 2019
  • Length of Video: 52 minutes

Student Materials

1. Galera & Monitoring Overview (time index: 2:50)
The values, the point of using replication and clusters of servers.

2. Galera Status Variables (time index: 9:52)
An introduction to standard MySQL or MariaDB replication.

3. Server Logs (time index: 17:57)
The steps for configuring MySQL and MariaDB software for use in standard replication.

4. Notification Command (time index: 22:35)
The basics—concepts and some important terms.

5. Customized Scripts (time index: 25:59)
Explanation and demonstration on configuring servers for Galera.

6. Third-Party Software (time index: 39:32)
Starting and testing a minimum three-node cluster.