15 Feb 2023 Deploying a Galera Cluster with Galera Manager on your own on-premise hosts Our most favoured method of deploying Galera Clusters via Galera Manager happen to be the on-premise option, which is favoured by our customers and users. We have always been under the impression that the cloud deployments (AWS, DigitalOcean) would have more pull, but majority do prefer an on-premise installation. We have also made an appropriate […] Read more...
31 Jan 2023 Database Administration for Galera Cluster online training course February/March Codership, the developers of Galera Cluster and Galera Manager, have new dates for the online DBA for Galera Cluster Training. There are two sets of times for our EMEA and American attendees, with the former happening on February 27th and 28th, starting 10 AM CET and the latter happening on March 1st and 2nd, starting 9 AM EST. This is a hands on […] Read more...
29 Jan 2023 Your Galera Cluster Production Questions, Answered One of the unpublished benefits of our training courses is that we hold an office hours session, usually one to two weeks after the training is complete, so that you can ask questions and receive answers. As always, we receive interesting questions, and this time we’ve decided to publish a selection of answers. You can […] Read more...
25 Jan 2023 New Galera Manager installation videos for on premises and Amazon EC2 We have produced two new step-by-step videos for installing Galera Clusters either on premise and at Amazon EC2 environments. The videos can be replayed from links below. A step-by-step video on how to install Galera Cluster in an Amazon EC2 environment using Galera Manager A step-by-step video on how to install Galera Cluster in an […] Read more...
20 Dec 2022 Upgrading from Galera Cluster to Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE) We recently covered Upgrading your Galera Cluster from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. We’ve also had questions on how the upgrade path from our usual Galera Cluster “community” edition to the Galera Cluster Enterprise Edition (EE), which includes many new features, like XA transaction support, arm64 support or GCache encryption. First off, let’s start by […] Read more...
19 Dec 2022 Galera Manager fixed for user-provided hosts Some of you may have attended our recent webinar on Managed Galera Clusters for you, and one of the demos there was “the installation of 3-blank nodes, which Galera Manager provisioned (in our example we used Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with MySQL 8)”. There was a niggling bug for quite sometime, opened on our GitHub issues […] Read more...