10 Jul 2019 Running Galera Cluster effectively on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and comparing it to RDS and Aurora (EMEA and USA webinar) Do you want to run Galera Cluster in the cloud? Why not learn to setup a 3-node Galera Cluster using Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), and run it yourself (3-node because this is the minimum preferred size; you can have a 5, 7, or 9 node cluster too — not in the […] Read more...
5 Jul 2019 Galera Cluster at Percona Live Austin, DataOps.Barcelona and where next It is July now, and summer is upon us. The team at Codership are busy making Galera Cluster 4 for MySQL, and we are just hot of the heels of celebrating the launch of Galera Cluster 4 with MariaDB Server 10.4. At the end of May, Galera Cluster had a booth and several talks at […] Read more...
28 Jun 2019 Galera Cluster 4 with MariaDB 10.4 Congratulations to Team MariaDB at MariaDB Corporation and MariaDB Foundation for releasing MariaDB 10.4.6 as Generally Available (GA) last week on 18 June 2019. This release is very exciting for Galera Cluster users as it comes with Galera 4 (it is now the first server to come with it!), with Galera wsrep library version 26.4.2. […] Read more...
13 Jun 2019 Meet Codership, the makers of Galera Cluster, at DataOps Barcelona 20-21 June Codership, the makers of Galera Cluster are proud to be sponsors at the second annual DataOps.Barcelona happening June 20-21 2019 at the World Trade Centre in Barcelona, Spain. For an opening keynote, in the Auditorium from 9.30-10.30am see Colin Charles speak about What’s New in Galera Cluster 4. There are plenty of new features and […] Read more...
9 May 2019 Meet Codership, the makers of Galera Cluster, at Percona Live Austin 2019 After a short hiatus, we hope to meet and see you at Percona Live Austin 2019 (28-30 May 2019), as we have sponsored the event and have a booth in the expo hall, in addition to conducting some talks. Our CEO and Co-Founder, Seppo Jaakola will make a presentation entitled, Galera Cluster New Features, in […] Read more...
18 Apr 2019 Galera Cluster with new Galera Replication Library 3.26 and MySQL 5.6.43, MySQL 5.7.25 is GA Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.6 and 5.7, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.6.43 and MySQL-wsrep 5.7.25 with a new Galera Replication library 3.26 (release notes, download), implementing wsrep API version 25. This release incorporates all changes to MySQL 5.6.43 (release notes, download) and 5.7.25 respectively […] Read more...