The Galera Manager

Galera Manager allows you to create fully managed clusters in Amazon Web Services, and you can also deploy clusters on user provided hosts (on premise or in the cloud) and you can also fully monitor your existing cluster. The GUI has the concept of a managed node (your typical MySQL instance) and managed host (your typical Linux instance) which you use to deploy Galera Cluster in Amazon EC2, a managed node and a monitored host for user provided hosts (on premise or in the cloud) and just a monitored node and host for existing Galera Clusters that you would like monitored, in the new and improved cluster deployment wizard.

Galera Manager provides charts for monitoring the host and database metrics, to ensure the proper and efficient functioning of your cluster. There are over 620 metrics to choose from. Galera Manager is fully web-based, and will work in any standard web browser to administer and monitor your clusters to make sure that your set up is healthy.

Instead of monitoring your Galera Clusters with the command line you could use the new Graphical User Interface (GUI) and download the installation software for Galera Manager.

Download Galera Manager after registering on our site. For more information on Galera Manager and how to install and configure it, see the Galera Manager Documentation.

Galera Manager supports the following database engines: MariaDB 10.6 LTS, 10.11 LTS, MySQL 5.7, MySQL 8.0, Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) 8.0.

Galera Manager supports the following operating systems: Debian 11 & 12, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9, Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04.


Quick start: Deploying a Galera Cluster with Galera Manager on your own on premise hosts


Quick start: Deploying a Galera Cluster with Galera Manager on AWS EC2 quick start


Need help with Galera Manager? Contact us on GitHub Galera Manager Support Repository on Github